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Poézia - niečo aj od nás, niečo prebraté

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Odoslať  dzuli08 Ne 3 december 2017 - 17:43

Searching for a new beginning
where you´re always winning
- is the goal of many of us,
however it isn´t a must.
Only a small piece of positivity
in our everyday activity,
can bring some light to our lives,
no matter how fast it flies.
The direction of our thoughts,
the number of our ghosts
running through our minds,
hidden where noone finds.
Just believe they´ll disappear
and then eliminate the fear.
Stay strong and true to yourself,
put the problems on the shelf,
concentrate on the good,
and you´ll have fine mood.
I know it´s not always easy
when your feelings are so freezy,
but it´s worth to try,
open wings and fly.
Free your mind for new emotions,
it will act like healing potions.
Never give up, fight as lion,
give it time to pass by,
don´t refuse a shoulder to cry on,
even when you are shy.
Feel the wind and feel the sun,
listen to your heart carefully,
although it isn´t always fun,
enjoy the life fully.

Počet príspevkov : 563
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

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Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  danka So 3 marec 2018 - 11:18

Pavol UšáK Oliva, môj naj básnik

V detskej nemocnici

Dni všetky biele ako nedele
Ako tie deti a ich postele
Jak kusy vaty na ranách
Keď pijú slzy po ránach
Smrť nadýchali do balónka
Mariška Marta Irma Tonka
Balónky vždycky prasknú pod zrakom
a už sa smejú smejú zázrakom
Potom sa oči zmenia na balónky
a detské srdcia na zvončeky zvonky
tak deti nikdy neumrú
keď anjel riadi nemú hru
Cherubín to je vrelá láska
dievčatko ako samohláska
doznieva preto aby večne znelo
chlapec jej kladie teplú dlaň na čelo
O mesiac aj on pôjde do neba
preto sa teší mŕtva na teba
lebo len deti chcú svoju smrť prežiť
— všetko je hračka umrieť žiť i nežiť —
Guľatá hračka hľadím na obrúčky
nad nocou rastú ulomené púčky
Nad nocou všetko záhadne sa mení
Nad nocou ševel bledých detských snení
Tie oči usnú máš ich rád
Neučte deti spomínať
Neučte deti láske keď sa hrajú
Tu nieto smútku deti umierajú

Domáci člen
Domáci člen

Počet príspevkov : 93
Reputácia Reputácia : 14
Dátum registrácie : 22.08.2017

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza: F 23.9, F 19.2, F 32.1
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia: Escitalopram 20 mg., Olanzapin 0,5 mg., Rivotril 0,5 mg.


Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  Ladislav STACH Ut 20 marec 2018 - 8:13

keď všetko zbytočné sa zdá
a život stráca zmysel
vtedy hľadáš hviezdu na oblohe
pevný bod na nebi
tú hviezdu chcem v srdci mať
čo z mrakmi zápasí
nad búrkou víťazí
podľa nej chcem viesť svoju loď
viem že nestroskotám
iste doplávam do cieľa na ostrov šťastia.
Ladislav STACH
Ladislav STACH
Nový člen
Nový člen

Počet príspevkov : 4
Reputácia Reputácia : 1
Dátum registrácie : 19.03.2018
Vek : 46
Bydlisko Bydlisko : Prešov

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza: F 20
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia: leponex, zalasta,


Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  Ladislav STACH Po 2 apríl 2018 - 17:40

Vo vánku skrýva sa sklamaná láska
keď chcel si sa dotknúť až hviezd
ružovou farbou nakresliť svoj svet.
Vo vánku skrýva sa sklamaná láska
zvlhnutá biela krieda a temný svet
šance už viacej možnože pre nás niet.

Vo vánku skrýva sa sklamaná láska
slnko za mrakmi ,nebo za hviezdami
farebná dúha medzi oblakmi dažďa
nádej v čase beznádeje
a znova hľadieť za horizont
všedných sivých dní.

STACH Ladislav
Ladislav STACH
Ladislav STACH
Nový člen
Nový člen

Počet príspevkov : 4
Reputácia Reputácia : 1
Dátum registrácie : 19.03.2018
Vek : 46
Bydlisko Bydlisko : Prešov

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza: F 20
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia: leponex, zalasta,


Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  Anonymný Pi 26 október 2018 - 11:08

Infected Rain - Stop Waiting text

Waiting for someone to save us
Waiting for something to change
Waiting someone to forgive us
Waiting and swallowing the rage

Days keep passing in breathless expectation
Fear had taken the best of us
Here we are again, expecting a salvation
Waiting for someone to be sorry for us

We are always waiting
What are we waiting for?
We are expecting a salvation,
Waiting for someone to be sorry for us

Never forget what you're really fighting for,
Never forget what you live for,
Let go the substance of your nightmares,
Let go the fear, let go the darkness.

As long as the heart keeps beating
Fight for your life, fight for your dreams,
As long as your scars keep on healing,
Just rise, rise from your knees.

We are always waiting
What are we waiting for?
We are expecting a salvation,
Waiting for someone to be sorry for us
We are always waiting
What are we waiting for?
We are expecting a salvation,
Waiting for someone to be sorry for us

Fight, fight, fight for your dreams
Fight, fight, get up from your knees.

Get up, Get up from your knees
Fight, fight for your dreams.


Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  Anonymný Po 5 november 2018 - 20:02

Ok. 2 stare basne z mojej neskutocne kvalitnej  Very Happy  a nedocenenej  Rolling Eyes
umeleckej tvorby:) 2 poems by @Faceless. Have fun.

Pohybujem sa po svete ako zombie
neviem si sam ani prisit gombik.
Tabletky na radost, na smutok, nieco na ukludnenie...
to bude zase rano prebudenie.
Ludia ma minaju, sami seba sa pytaju
Je to zombie?
Kladiem si otazku....
Som to este stale ja?

Zachodove radovanky s notebookom a tabletom.
V izbicke mam pocitacik, telefon ked idem von.
Zase som az po usi v tom.
Moderne technologie, u mna to teda zije.
Z rana si hned facebook dam
konecne sa necitim sam.

Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  dzuli08 Št 29 november 2018 - 18:59

Toto vzniklo už dávnejšie.... another piece of poetry ....

Asking myself why
do I have to try
try to do my best,
don´t care bout the rest.
Reason why you should,
is that you certainly would
be happy and satisfied,
because you can say: "I´ve tried!"
Tried to make my days look better,
even in a rainy weather,
when all seems to fall down,
I´ll never accept a breakdown.
Being strong behind that all,
not hitting your head against the wall,
is not always that easy,
and you must look sometimes crazy.
Life´s a challenge let´s say,
but you can choose the way,
the way you´ll follow everytime
or you sometimes change the walking line.
Because the change is the key to progress
and it helps you to chase the success.

community together

Počet príspevkov : 563
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza:
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia:


Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  dzuli08 Št 6 december 2018 - 16:19

Hello guys, another one.....

Walking in the snowy weather,
snowflakes melting on my sweater,
realising it´s the season,
when the love around is a reason,
to feel happy and delighted,
no matter how broken-hearted.
White ground underneath my feet,
my pace sticking to heartbeat,
making myself think of life,
which sometimes cuts like a knife.
All the scarves and all the pain,
come to be healed again,
with a piece of understanding
from the people you were lending,
lending tiny bits of your soul
finally they´ll fill up the hole.
Hole in the life which was made,
due to the stars or due to the fate?
No one ever knows the answer,
but there´s still a chance to transfer,
all the negative thoughts in your mind,
into state of being kind,
especially to yourself
letting all the doom on a shelf.
It has to be covered with dust,
then you´ll give yourself a trust.

community together flower

Naposledy upravil dzuli08 dňa Št 6 december 2018 - 16:22, celkom upravené 1 krát. (Reason for editing : some spelling mistkes)

Počet príspevkov : 563
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza:
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia:


Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  Oriax Št 24 január 2019 - 20:50

Hey guys, Ori here.

Je cas na vazne temy, a toto je problem. Zostala v nas este nejaka ludskost?
Musim editovat, co je to vlastne ludskost? Vzdycky nas fascinovalo nasilie.
Stary Rim? Gladiatorske zapasy. Cela historia ludstva je same nasilie.
Pisem uz hrozne, nemal som rano chlastat ma totalne boli hlava.
Spoiler alert - je to brutalne, necitajte.

Agathocles - Razor Sharp Daggers

What's the sensation
Of a bull-fight show ?
For pain and mutilation
Sick people wanna go
Tradition, so they say
Paid cruelty to me
Bloodshed, tears fled
Sets the bulls free
Razor sharp daggers, stabbed in the bull's neck
Barbarous entertainment, animals on the rack
Arena-sand turn reds, spreading the stench of death
It's just a sick sensation, kill the bull fighter instead
But when the Bull wins
No-one is gonna clap
Fair fight, fair price ?
Still the final end is death
Bull-fighter received as a hero
Accepted, respected
But just face the truth
Of this legal animal abuse
Domáci člen
Domáci člen

Počet príspevkov : 57
Reputácia Reputácia : 25
Dátum registrácie : 23.01.2019

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Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  dzuli08 So 2 február 2019 - 17:05

Hello fellows, again piece of English ...

Leaving all the past behind,
not staying forever blind,
that is for everyone a must,
not loosing the inner trust.
Although it is very fragile,
you can break it in a small while,
never give up on keeping it,
you can still find a way to fix it.
Staying strong through the hard times,
looking forward to sunrise,
being grateful for the lessons learned,
letting the fear to be burned.
Walking on the thin ice,
when you always must think twice,
whether it´s safe to take some steps,
not worrying what will come next.
It´s you who will take the risk,
wondering what it may bring.
You can fall down many times,
but you should always realize,
it is not a shame to fall,
you can bounce like a ball,
and reach the sky again,
no need to feel pain.

Počet príspevkov : 563
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

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Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  dzuli08 So 16 február 2019 - 20:06

Ahojte, niečo som hľadala a vyhrabala som ešte nejaké básne Smile

If you can´t see the light,
between the day and night,
there´ll be another fight,
to make your thinking bright.
If there´s too much sorrow,
in your new tomorrow,
don´t you just follow,
it will make you hollow.
If you fall again and again,
and it causes you only pain,
you´ll wait for a miracle in vain,
all you have to do is: sustain.
If someone hurts you so bad,
that you become very sad,
don´t concentrate on that,
because it will make you mad.
If you don´t believe in your power,
you will very soon discover,
that you are the only owner,
of the key to make your life warmer.

Počet príspevkov : 563
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

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Návrat hore Goto down

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Odoslať  dzuli08 So 16 február 2019 - 20:22

Second one.

There´s no time to hesitate
how to improve your own fate.
One thing you can always do,
is to forgets all that bothers you.
Feel free to leave away the pain,
because you are able to sustain.
You can become happy everytime,
you learn from the lessons in your life.
Don´t forget to smile,
it can heal everything in a while.
It´s the best medicine you can take,
even if you feel heartache.
Time is precious like a diamond,
don´t let it to be spoiled by lie and,
let it flow by like the wind,
love is definetely what you need.
Don´t complain about things you don´t posses,
you´ve got the life-the most important thing- although it´s a mess.

Noone is perfect that´s for sure
so be patient and your soul will cure.
If you sometimes feel alone,
there´s always a place that you call home.
There are friend that love you too,
just stick to who are you.
Memories are good and bad,
they are here to remind you that,
somthing in your life happened
and that it isn´t still the end.
Turn the page,
in your cage,
where you sit all day,
never stop to pray.
Pray for better tomorrow,
no pain, no sorrow,
but it´s just a simple dream,
you have to make it real.

Počet príspevkov : 563
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza:
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Návrat hore Goto down

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