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Odoslať  dzuli08 Št 4 január 2018 - 18:33

Hi my dear fellows,
since to this topic was not written for a quite long time, I decided to contribute a little you already know, I am not teaching currently, so I have to practice a little bit my English. I have a feeling that it somehow evaporates from my mind, especially the vocabulary Very Happy It would be nice to hear from someone else in this topic. I wrote something in the Slovak section of How are you so I will not repeat everything. I may describe my day a bit.
So, today as everyday I had problems with waking up although I did not have to wake up so early, but you know, that´s simply me. I mentioned it to the doctor and she said that there are no such pills to help me with this Very Happy After waking up and getting dressed, I hurried to the bus station to catch the bus and it was LTT as we say in Slovak. In the bus of course, I had closed eyes, still not complely satisfied with the sleep. I think, that this thing concerning sleeping I have in common with Kimi Smile I arrived at BB about 9,30 so I had some time to skim through some shops and then I went to see my doctor. It seems everything is OK, no changes in medication, and another meeting in three I am happy.
I had lunch and then I got on the bus and returned back app. at 15,30.
Thank you for reading. Bye.

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Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  dzuli08 Pi 5 október 2018 - 16:10

Hi everyone,
firstly I have to say that I´m really glad that´s Friday was a bit stressful at work, lot of things were on my mind and I had to wake up earlier due to morning zero lesson. Not everything happened according to my expectations, but somehow it was bearable. I decided to write something here in order to refresh a bit this English section of the forum. I hope that some of you will follow my steps to share some ideas in English.
But back to present....I can say that I feel quite well, although sometimes I have to fight with some negative concepts, such as considering the fact whether I will manage to stay at this work. This is the most demonical thought so I try to avoid it. I should be happy that I was given the opportunity to work. In fact, I am but sometimes it is hard to understand the behaviuor of the people, particularly the teenagers. I try to be friendly but it turns out to be a weakness.
So that was briefly about what´s going on my mind. Looking forward to your stories and experiences,
take care and NEVER give up! it is perfect
Yours Dzuli winking

Počet príspevkov : 558
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

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Odoslať  Tuto Ut 22 január 2019 - 1:11

Now, what now? Maybe silence, relax and sleeping. Yes... dreaming about mystery or real life. Let´s go!

facebook: "Byť normálnym je čoraz viac nenormálne."
V.I.P. Inventár
V.I.P. Inventár

Počet príspevkov : 4789
Reputácia Reputácia : 773
Dátum registrácie : 19.09.2010
Bydlisko Bydlisko : Západ Slovenska

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza: F25.0
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia: Amisulprid, Haloperidol (aj depot), Akineton (aj depot), Alventa, Lithium, Gerodorm (podľa potreby),


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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  Tuto Ut 22 január 2019 - 1:11

Now, what now? Maybe silence, relax and sleeping. Yes... dreaming about mystery or real life. Let´s go!

facebook: "Byť normálnym je čoraz viac nenormálne."
V.I.P. Inventár
V.I.P. Inventár

Počet príspevkov : 4789
Reputácia Reputácia : 773
Dátum registrácie : 19.09.2010
Bydlisko Bydlisko : Západ Slovenska

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza: F25.0
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia: Amisulprid, Haloperidol (aj depot), Akineton (aj depot), Alventa, Lithium, Gerodorm (podľa potreby),


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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  dzuli08 Po 23 december 2019 - 16:11

I wish you a Merry Christmas full of joy and happiness,
less worries, fears and stress that´s meaningless.
Stars glowing in your eyes throughout the whole year,
may it feel like there´s no need for any tear.
Nice amount of strength and armour,
for every fight in your life or,
every moment you feel down,
you´ll use all the power you own.
Let this power be infinite,
let the spark in you ignite.

Guys ....have a nice Christmas time Smile Wink

Naposledy upravil dzuli08 dňa Po 23 december 2019 - 16:12, celkom upravené 1 krát. (Reason for editing : chybička se vloudila :D)

Počet príspevkov : 558
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  historik Ne 21 jún 2020 - 21:41

Hello, dear friends,

After a long time, I have decided to write to you today. I feel a bit worse this month. Maybe because of this rainy weather. I can't sleep well, I get up very late and I am quite boring through the first part of a day. My emotions and thoughts are not pleasant at this time.

But sometimes in the evenings I begin to read some articles about history. My favourite internet source is Wikipedia. Recently I learned a lot about Ancient Rome.

I listen to music, too. Everyday. I enjoy it very much. In addition to this, I studied English from online courses. I already have 5 certificates in English. Now I have a break, a rest. Maybe I will continue after 2 months.

That's all for the present. I wish you a nice evening. Bye!

Best regards,

Strieborný pokročilý člen
Strieborný pokročilý člen

Počet príspevkov : 360
Reputácia Reputácia : 78
Dátum registrácie : 18.04.2013

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  dzuli08 Po 6 júl 2020 - 13:55

Hello everyone,
I have decided to write some lines into this section. I feel quite well, although as many of you I do not like this extremely hot weather. But it is summer time, so we have to cope with that somehow. In my last post I mentioned that I would like to travel, but it seems that it won´t happen. At least, not abroad. I don t have any companion, so I wanted to travel with mum, since we have already experienced travelling together. But she doesn t feel like travelling abroad in this "corona" situation. Probably we will visit some Slovak swimming pool to cool down Smile I would really want to spend some time also at some wellness stay, but that is only an idea which might not come true.
Last Saturday, we went hiking in the surroundings, but it proved that 20km hike is not suitable for me. So we did not go as far as we had planned at first, we returned earlier. It was nice though. I liked the views ... In fact, that´s the most attractive for me during the hike - the amazing views, sometimes from the peaks. Smile
Last information from me is that I am searching for some accomodation again. It would be the best if I found something suitable and reasonably-priced from the August.
Thanks for reading and wishing you a nice day Smile

Počet príspevkov : 558
Reputácia Reputácia : 447
Dátum registrácie : 25.04.2016
Vek : 37

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  Anonym woman Ne 3 október 2021 - 17:35

Hello everyone, Im bored and I would like to type with someone. That was a good idea to create this section but nobody send the messages here though. I want to ask you if some foreign people with this kind of disorder exist in Slovakia.
Anonym woman
Anonym woman
Mierne pokročilý člen
Mierne pokročilý člen

Počet príspevkov : 119
Reputácia Reputácia : 51
Dátum registrácie : 02.10.2021

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  Anonym woman Pi 15 október 2021 - 10:51

Hello there, I would like to tell someone my true story but nobody believes me and who would believe a woman who gained schyzophrenia shortly after first work experience because of the pressure of her country, of the world? I have some evidences, nobody listen to me. I graduated s great school, I had great basics but my country didnt give me any opportunities to work in my field which I studied. Now Im at home thanks to my father because I would be homeless otherwise
Anonym woman
Anonym woman
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Mierne pokročilý člen

Počet príspevkov : 119
Reputácia Reputácia : 51
Dátum registrácie : 02.10.2021

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  Anonym woman Pi 15 október 2021 - 16:54

Ľudia, potrebujem britského právnika, máte niekto kontakt? Musela by som byť v Anglicku počas procesu? Vrátili by sa mi peniaze? Aspoň tak, že by som si pokryla potom náklady za právnika z prípadného vyhratého súdu. Oplatí sa ísť do toho, keď to bolo ešte v roku 2015? Pre pocit spravodlivosti keby som vyhrala?
Anonym woman
Anonym woman
Mierne pokročilý člen
Mierne pokročilý člen

Počet príspevkov : 119
Reputácia Reputácia : 51
Dátum registrácie : 02.10.2021

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  kimi2028 Pi 15 október 2021 - 17:50

Prečo by si sa chcela súdiť moja? Ja neviem, že či je to nutné, ale súdne spory trvajú roky moja. Very Happy Ja by som sa súdiť nechcel a tiež tie peniaze môžu byť veľké, čo sa na to dajú... Máš len jedne nervy, tak sa staraj o svoje duševné zdravie, čo najlepšie....
V.I.P. Golden
V.I.P. Golden

Počet príspevkov : 2230
Reputácia Reputácia : 759
Dátum registrácie : 13.02.2017

Zdravotný stav
Diagnóza Diagnóza: F20.0, F20.4
Súčasná medikácia Súčasná medikácia: Reagila 4,5 mg

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How are you today? - Stránka 2 Empty Re: How are you today?

Odoslať  Anonym woman Pi 15 október 2021 - 18:01

už sa to rieši, 5euro za 7 dňové radenie od právnika, držte palce
Anonym woman
Anonym woman
Mierne pokročilý člen
Mierne pokročilý člen

Počet príspevkov : 119
Reputácia Reputácia : 51
Dátum registrácie : 02.10.2021

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